Enhance team dynamics with Expert-Led Team Workshops

Empower your leaders with results-driven  team workshops facilitated by certified coaches.

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We transform leaders, teams, and companies.

There's a significant difference between learning leadership and team development from a book and experiencing it in the boardroom. Our coaches at Surya don't just teach leadership; they've lived it. With backgrounds that include decades in executive leadership roles, ICF coach certifications and specialized training in team development, our partners bring authentic, hands-on experience to every coaching session and team workshop.

Leaders aren't built overnight, and we understand the importance of investing time in honing the strengths and addressing the challenges. Our specialized executive coaching is hands-on, focused, and results-driven. We dig deep into an organization's unique dynamics and culture. The outcome? Leaders and teams that are not only ready for today's challenges but equipped for tomorrow's uncertainties. 

Paired with team workshops, our executive coaching provides leaders the tools to grow individually while supporting both newly established teams, as well as teams in turmoil.  Our team workshops are tailored to individual team’s needs, with goals aligned to the team’s needs and outcomes that build strong foundations needed to support business growth.

A photo of Elissa Kelly
“Leading isn't just a skill – it's an art we've mastered and now share with our clients.”
Elissa Kelly
Founder & Partner

companies helped since inception


improvement in
leadership effectiveness


diverse coaches from all backgrounds

Seasoned leaders.
Professional coaches.

Silvia Llacera
Training & Development
Amy Yip
Life Transformation
Michael Tucker
Government & Corporations
Jennifer Kinder
Higher Education
Elissa Kelly
Founder & CEO
Angelique Carbo
Human Resources & Consulting
Jenny Davidson-Goldbronn
Brad Schwartz
Carrie Gormley
Marketing & Entertainment

We’re here to help you out.

Occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Meet the team

Unleash the power of true leadership.

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